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Academic Training and Positions

1983-1987  PhD Student at the Institute for Biochemistry,
                   Microbiology and Genetic
                   University of Regensburg, Germany

1987-1989  Postdoctoral Fellow at the
                    Institute for Biochemistry, Microbiology and Genetic
                    University of Regensburg, Germany

1990-1992  Postdoctoral Fellow at the
                   Stanford University, Medical School

1993-1996  Hochschulassistent at
                    Institute for Biochemistry I
                    University of Heidelberg, Germany

1998            Habilitation in Biochemistry
                    venia legendi in the Medical Faculty 
                    University of Heidelberg, Germany

1997-2003  Group leader 

at the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH)

since 01.04.2003 C4 Professor at Regensburg University