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Protein Crystallization Platform


The Cluster of Excellence CellNetworks and the group of Prof. Dr. Irmgard Sinning have established a state-of-the-art high throughput crystallization platform for biological macromolecules at the BZH. Dr. Jürgen Kopp heads the facility assisted by Claudia Siegmann. The platform is open for the scientific community in and around Heidelberg. It includes a nano-dispensing pipetting robot (Phoenix Rigaku Edition) which allows screening of 1000 crystallization conditions with as little as 100 microliters of sample within one hour. The crystallization experiments are stored at defined temperatures in two Rigaku Minstrel HT Galleries with a capacity of up to 800 plates and are automatically imaged. The images can be viewed via the web and users can design follow-up experiments assisted by specialized software. Standard commercial and user defined screens are available for soluble proteins, macromolecular assemblies as well as for membrane proteins. For more information, visit the BZH homepage and the web portal of the CellNetworks Cluster.

Protein Crystallisation: for more information click here


Jürgen Kopp

: +49 6221 54-4481
: +49 6221 54-4112
: +49 6221 54-4790

Leiter Kristallisationsplattform Cell Networks